Sunday, November 11, 2007

There is always room for improving the way in which we do things and get things done. Take this Bersih rally for instance. Do you honestly think that anyone would bother going out in the heavy pouring rain, face threats of arrest by the authorities, be either stuck in a traffic jam or walk for miles just to participate in an event; if they did not feel strongly about its cause and what the rally stands for? Surely, this is an opportunity for a responsible government to take stock and identify what these participants are asking for. It is not what the public does but how the government responds to the public's actions that determine whether it is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Compare the state of democracy in Malaysia to that of New Zealand. This is but one example:

Never heard of "Mixed Member Proportionate" electoral system? Well, it is about time you find out.
Today, I finally crossed the line. Whereas in the past, reading the views and ideas of bloggers sufficed, today I proudly got off the fence and joined my brothers and sisters of the net. Why? In the past three weeks, I know and/or have heard of at least 20 people (family members and friends) who have died albeit in ways unrelated to each other. The truth is you and I just don't know when our turn arrives, when God will take us away. I want to appreciate and do what I can while I still can, and blogging is one of the items high on my to-do-list. Procastination is no longer good enough. the "will get it done tomorrow" attitude is no longer good enough, the time for action has arrived. I feel proud to now be a part of the blogging world, or in Khairy's words, a monkey.